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Foster Care Jobs
in Durham and the Northeast

Are you looking for work that is rewarding and vital to the welfare of children in the Northeast? For foster care jobs in Durham and surrounding areas, reach out to Orchard Care Fostering or explore our current vacancies on the page below.

Current vacancies with Orchard Care fostering

Whenever vacancies come up, we'll be posting them on this page, so please take a moment to read through the job description and apply by following the instructions provided. Prior experience and training are not always required (depending on the advertised role), as on-the-job training can often be provided. If you wish to enquire further about a job before you apply, please do get in touch with the team at Orchard Care Fostering, we'll endeavour to be prompt in our response, and we look forward to hearing from you.

a parent holds the hand of a small child

Supervising Social Worker Post -
Full or Part time Position

Salary: Up to £39,500 per annum


Are you passionate about supporting foster carers and making a positive difference to young people?


We are looking for an enthusiastic patient, empathetic and passionate Supervising Social Worker who is creative and systemic in practice. Working collaboratively with all stakeholders you will strive to ensure carers are fully supported and that young people in our care reach their full potential.


The post is based in Durham however we work with foster carers around the Northeast and North Yorkshire areas. You will therefore be required to travel for the role to support your carers.

We are looking for a committed qualified Social Worker ideally with a sound knowledge of fostering legislation and practice.

Description of the role:


  • To provide structured and regular supervision to carers. 


  • To provide and contribute to support packages for carers and young people. 


  • To meet the demand of providing a quality service the post holder will contribute to effective recruitment, training, support and supervision of carers, their families and young people. 


  • To work systemically in close partnership with Local Authorities and any other agencies connected with the foster home.


  • The post holder will form part of a 24 hour duty/ “on-call” system for carers.

Please contact us on 0191 378 4444 to request a copy of the Job Description and Person Specification and arrange to visit us!

Panel Member -
Part time Position


£120 per panel


Description of the role:


  • To read the circulated papers carefully before the meeting, and to attend the meeting prepared to raise issues and to contribute to the panel discussion.


  • To take responsibility for participating in the making of a recommendation, on each case, drawing on both personal and professional knowledge and experience.


  • ​To attend meetings of the panel as specified in your agreement with the agency.


  • To be prepared to attend additional panels if possible, if requested.


  • To participate with other members, in advising on policy and procedural matters as required.


  • To address diversity issues and promote anti-discriminatory practice.


  • To safeguard the confidentiality of all panel papers and panel discussions.


  • To participate in induction and in training which will be at least one day per year.


  • To participate constructively in the annual review of your central list panel membership.


  • To adhere to the agency’s panel member code of conduct, if provided.



Person Specification:

Experience and Qualifications:

•Experience, either professionally or personally or both, of the placement of children in foster families or of children being cared for away from their birth family. •A social work qualification will be necessary for certain panel members.


•Good listening and communication skills. •The ability to read, process and analyse large amounts of complex and sometimes distressing information. •The ability to make an assessment and to form a view, based on the written and verbal information presented to panel, and the confidence to articulate this at panel. •The ability to use personal and/or professional knowledge and experience to contribute to discussions, and decision-making in a balanced and informed manner. •The ability to work cooperatively as part of a multi-disciplinary team. •The ability to attend panel meetings, as required, arriving on time, and to attend at least one training day each year.


•An appreciation of the effect of separation and loss on children. •Awareness of the richness of different kinds of families and their potential for meeting children’s needs. •Some understanding of the purpose and function of the panel and of the agency which the panel is serving, or a willingness to learn.


•A commitment to keeping children within their own family or community where this is possible, and to maintaining contact between children living in foster families and their birth families where this appears to be in the child’s best interests. •A commitment to fostering as a way of meeting a child’s needs where this appears to be in the child’s best interests. •A commitment to safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare in foster care. •A valuing of diversity in relation to issues of ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, and sexuality. •An understanding of, and a commitment to, the need for confidentiality. •A willingness to increase knowledge and understanding of issues through reading, discussion, and training. •A willingness to contribute constructively to the annual review of your central list panel membership and, as required, to that of other members and the Chair.

Do you have the right qualities to work with Orchard Care?
Please contact us, if you would like further information about a job role or the application process

0191 378 4444

Lines are open on weekdays only -

Mon to Thurs 8.30am-5pm,

Fri 8.30am-4.30pm


You can also get in touch with us by emailing


T: 0191 378 4444

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Suite 1,

Alexander House,

Whitfield Court,





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ORCHARD CARE (NORTH EAST) LIMITED, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 05415302.

Registered Company Address: Suite 1 Alexander House Whitfield Court, Meadowfield, Durham, England, DH7 8XL

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